Water purification industry information

Can "Camping Fever" Bring Inspiration to Scenario Operation in Water Purification Industry

Views : 47135
Update time : 2021-11-02 14:48:18
From last year to this year, the fever for camping has continued to persist. Maybe it’s the time spent living in the city. Maybe it’s because the daily work is too heavy for people to breathe, causing many people to become tired of the hustle and bustle of the city. I want to drive away from the reinforced concrete city with green trees and red flowers. I want to return to the mountains and forests to enjoy a quiet time by the forest lake and feel the intersection of nature and human civilization.
According to statistics, the consumption of camping supplies has maintained a double growth rate for two consecutive years.

Although many people feel very incomprehensible about the activity of camping, and even feel that they are spending money to buy sins, but I have to say that in camping, adults have the fun of adults, and children have fun as well. However, if you want camping to become particularly delicate and comfortable, you still need to prepare a lot of equipment, such as basic food, tents, sleeping bags, air mattresses, quilts, lights, etc. are definitely necessary, and you have to bring chairs, canopies, and egg rolls. Tables, refrigerators, cassette stove moisture-proof pads, medicine cabinets, portable speakers, mosquito repellents, disposable toilets, and many other things must be prepared, and some people even bought a forecast weather forecast app service for 20 yuan a week for camping. , Just to be able to camp comfortably.

It can be seen that the hot activity of exquisite camping has brought different opportunities for many industries, so whether the home appliance industry can also dig deeper has brought more possibilities.
Advocating exquisite camping is basically to build a more exquisite lifestyle in the camping scene, so home appliances must be indispensable, such as common kitchen utensils, cooking utensils, coffee pots, small refrigerators, portable speakers, etc. It's easy to carry, and it's a delicate thing.

Water is also the more troublesome part of camping. Cooking and cooking need water, and drinking water when they are thirsty, so many people will choose to bring bottled water. If you are used to drinking hot water or hot tea, it will be more troublesome. You have to use a small kettle to boil the water, and wait until the water temperature is moderate to drink the hot water you want. Perhaps the heating function of the water purifier can meet their needs, although there is already a water purifier that can be moved without installation Heating water purifiers, but if the key factors of camping can be combined to solve the pain points of campers, it may bring different vitality to this industry.
Field water purifier
But it has to be said that people's preferences are temporary, and how long the hobby activity of camping can last is also a question worth pondering.
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